Where Do I Place My Electrodes?

Posted by Jon Kovach
If you use a TENS unit, you'll feel a slight tingling sensation passing through your skin.
By adjusting the intensity, you can increase or decrease the strength of this tingling sensation.
You know your body best, so modifying electrode placements will do no harm, and there's no wrong way to position them.
Follow the steps below, or watch the video
Neck Pain
For neck pain, place two electrodes beneath your skull on either side of your spine. Place the other two electrodes 5 cm below the first two.
Shoulder Pain
For shoulder pain, place two electrodes on your shoulders—one near the neck, and one near the edge of your shoulder.
One Sore Shoulder
If only one shoulder is sore, keep the first two electrodes in place and place the other two approximately 5 cm below them.
Arm Pain
For arm pain, place one electrode above and one below your elbow. Then place an additional electrode higher than the first and another below the second.
Abdominal Pain
If you're experiencing abdominal pain, place four electrodes around your belly button in a square formation.
Hip Pain
For hip pain, place two electrodes on the upper part of your buttocks and two below your buttocks.
If you're experiencing sciatic pain, place one electrode posterior to your pelvic bone, near your spine, below the belt line. Place the second electrode on the outer edge of your back, and the third and fourth under your buttocks, forming a square around the pain area.
Knee Pain
For knee pain, place the electrodes in a square formation around your knee—one above, one below, and one on either side.
Foot Pain
For foot pain, place the electrodes in a square formation around the pain area, evenly spaced.
Plantar Fasciitis
For plantar fasciitis, we recommend the OMEGA Foot Pad.
If you prefer to use the square electrodes, place one on your heel and one under your ankle bone, with the other two electrodes up your leg—one above and one below the muscle.
Watch the Video Below: