3 Tips for Managing Musculoskeletal Pain

Posted by Elizabeth Carroll
Our bodies wouldn’t get very far without our musculoskeletal systems. These systems, which are comprised of our bones and muscles—as well as the tendons, ligaments, and cartilage that keep them together—provide support for the body and make movement possible.
But every movement, strain, and physical effort we make can take its toll on the body after a while. Unfortunately, this can lead to pain that can hamper overall mobility. Our tips for managing musculoskeletal pain will help you get back on your feet.
Look for Anti-Inflammatories
One of the more common sources of this type of pain is inflammation. Technically, inflammation is a good thing. It’s your body’s immune system trapping outside threats to prevent further illness or injury.
However, there are times when inflammation isn’t due to outside threats, such as during an arthritis flare-up. These scenarios can lead to intense chronic pain. Here are foods and medications known to treat inflammation:
- Aspirin or ibuprofen
- Tart cherries
- Oils
- Fatty fish
- Leafy greens
- Tomatoes
- Blueberries
- Strawberries
Pro Tip
Just as some foods can help relieve inflammation, some foods are known to exacerbate it. If you’re in pain, consider avoiding processed sugar, fried foods, red meats, and margarine.
Try Massage
Another common source of musculoskeletal pain surrounds muscle tension. We often don’t realize when we hold tension in our bodies for prolonged periods of time, such as when we sit with bad posture. Prolonged tension can lead to muscle knots that can cause pain.
Massage is a simple, non-invasive way of addressing muscle knots. Massage helps relax the muscles and promote blood flow to these areas. This practice can also break up scar tissue, helping reduce recovery time for muscle injuries.
Utilize Electrotherapy
Whether your pain is from inflammation, muscle tension, or muscle injuries, electrotherapy may offer a way to help manage musculoskeletal pain. It does this by sending gentle electric signals into the muscles and joints. These shocks may help relieve pain by:
- Reducing muscle tension
- Disrupting pain signals through the nerves
- Increasing endorphin production
- Stimulating growth to help strengthen muscles
Musculoskeletal pain can stop us in our tracks, but pain relief is within reach. At TENS Units, we offer TENS units for shoulder pain relief that will help you fight the pain to get moving again.